Triumvirate of Deans

(1919-1927) President Braithwaite's sudden resignation in 1919 began an era when no president presided over Western; three deans (Paul. S. McKibbon, Medicine; Hibbert W. Hill, Public Health; and W. Sherwood Fox, Arts) administered the University until 1927. During this time, Western struggled to accommodate an influx of returning war veterans and a large number of high school students entering first-year studies. Huron College was expanded, space was rented on Waterloo Street, an annex was added on St. James Street beside Huron College, and property on Oxford Street was used as a gym. During the early '20s, the Deans' attention was focused on constructing buildings on the new campus site (formerly Kingsmill Farm), revising the charter and renaming the University. Originally called the Western University of London, Ontario, the name had been changed in 1882 to the Western University and College of London, Ontario, and then back again to the original name in 1908. The University Act of 1923 landed on the current University of Western Ontario.